Fact Service (May 2023)

Issue 20

TUC calls emergency protest against strikes bill

The TUC is organising an emergency protest to defend the right to strike, taking place in London next week.

The event will be held in Parliament Square on Monday (22 May) at 6pm, the day the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill returns to the House of Commons from the Lords, where two amendments were made to it.

The TUC said: “These new laws are a direct attack on our fundamental right to strike to defend our pay, terms and conditions. We’ve seen how important the right to strike is in the last 12 months. We need to stop this bill.

“The Tories have supported this bill at every stage, and proved they will stop at nothing to hurt working people. They have seen the impact our strikes have had, and know the public are on the side of striking workers. Their last resort is an outrageous attack on our right to strike.

“MPs will have a clear choice: Reject the bill and support the right of working people to go on strike for fair pay. Or attack our fundamental rights and sack workers if they take strike action.”

The union body is asking people who can attend to use the link below, which also leads to a petition against the proposed bill.


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