Fact Service (February 2016)

Issue 6

Managers should take lead over well-being

With mental ill-health one of the biggest public health challenges facing society, there is an overwhelming business and moral case for employers to address this challenge.

A new report, Leading on mental well-being, from the business-led charity, Business in the Community, says line managers play a crucial role in promoting positive employee well-being. As the workplace continues to evolve at a rapid pace, there is increasing pressure on line managers to deliver business objectives at the same time as supporting the well-being of employees. It is vital that line managers receive the best possible support to help them manage these responsibilities effectively. 

The study highlights the evidence for empowering line managers to make a greater positive impact on employee well-being. It contains insight from industry experts, advice on how organisations can take action and features the voices of line managers themselves as well as case studies of effective support programmes.

The report calls for line managers to be provided with the well-being support they deserve, which would enable them to take the necessary steps to empower them to promote well-being within their teams.

Businesses in the Community has called on businesses to make mental health first aid training available to line managers to ensure that they are able and confident in supporting employees who may be experiencing mental health issues in the workplace.

Absence from work over mental ill-health costs £25 billion a year, the report says.


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