Fact Service (May 2016)

Issue 21

UK behind Scandinavia on gender equality 

The UK rates as middle ranking on gender equality in the workplace, according to a survey from Glassdoor Economic Research.

The study, Which countries in Europe have the best gender equality in the workplace?, examined a variety of gender equality measures, including the gap between male and female employment rates; female representation on corporate boards, legislatures and top management; and the “cost of motherhood” in terms of lower wages for mothers. Glassdoor’s rankings were based on OECD and Eurostat data, as well as the European Commission’s gender equality database.

Among 18 European countries examined, Sweden, Norway, and Finland rank the highest for overall gender equality. By contrast, Greece, Italy and Ireland rank as having the lowest overall gender equality in the workplace. The UK comes in the middle. 

Looking at the gender gap in employment by job type, UK managers comes in the top three and the UK has an above average score for “board members” and “legislators, senior officials and managers”.

However, out of 12 other rankings, including “cost of motherhood” and “employment rates” the UK receives below average scores. 


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