Labour Research (November 2009)


Do it yourself

A handbook for our changing world

Trapese Collective, Pluto Press, 306 pages, paperback, £12.99

This book is a toolkit for grassroots activism, written and edited by grassroots campaigners, and represents part of a growing response from the global social justice movement. It is not only a “how to” guide, but also a resource filled with a detailed glossary and concise socio-political and historic explanations as well as inspiring examples, all written in a very accessible way.

It highlights how our disillusionment has sparked a growing desire to do it ourselves and shows us how to make change through our everyday actions — from growing vegetables, engaging with our local community and helping to get more people involved in where they live.

As a guide to getting people involved in practical action, with the aim of creating an equitable and sustainable lifestyle, the book is an essential read in light of the imminent issues around climate change and the changes we need to make.

The book covers: why need holistic solutions for sustainability; decision-making by consensus; health and society; education and learning; food and resources; community centres and public spaces; and media, cultural activism, campaign planning and action.

Each section is brought to life with drawings and illustrations. Unlike many “ethical living” books, it highlights social change and its impact on society as a whole, and is personalised through examples of real human stories.

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