Labour Research (October 2015)


What is humanism?

How do you live without a God and other big questions

Michael Rosen and Annemarie Young, Wayland, 48 pages, £13.99

Michael Rosen and Annemarie Young take on some very big ideas and present them for a younger audience without ever patronising or dumbing down. The book insists it is not about telling children what to think, but explaining the ideas, giving them some intellectual tools and encouraging them to make up their own minds.

Using a mix of personal stories, favourite quotes and explanations of religious and ethical concepts, it explores a range of ideas. What does it mean to be a humanist? Is humanism a new idea? How do people live their lives without religious beliefs?

It looks at how humanists mark the milestones of birth, marriage and death. How do people without belief in God live moral and fulfilled lives, with respect for humankind and the universe?

The book has contributions from a number of prominent humanists such as Stephen Fry, Philip Pullman and Shappi Khorsandi.

Whether you want to consider the role of a funeral in coming to terms with the death of a loved one, or simply to explore the benefits of sharing or kindness in everyday life, this book points the way.

Reviews contributed by the Bookmarks socialist bookshop.

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