Labour Research (October 2017)


Centenary news

October 1968’s Labour Research reported on the 100th TUC Congress that took place in September: 

The 100th TUC at Blackpool called for the repeal of the Prices and Incomes Act and of any further legislation designed to curtail basic trade union rights. 

Equal Pay: The growing impatience in the movement at the slow progress towards equal pay for women resulted in the passing of a very strong resolution ... demanding that equal pay should be implemented within two years.

The amendment ... instructing the General Council to call upon affiliated unions to support unions taking industrial action for equal pay, was also carried in spite of the opposition of the General Council.

Company Mergers: Congress expressed its concern at the problems arising from mergers and instructed the General Council “to prepare proposals which ensure that giant corporations are subject to greater public control”.

Industrial Democracy: The widespread discussion on this subject in the movement during the past year gave rise to five motions which were consolidated into a single composite motion ... 

This was passed by Congress and reads: “Congress ... welcomes the introduction of worker participation in management, and calls upon the government to introduce legislation providing for trade union representatives on the management boards of all nationalised undertakings and other public authorities, and ... further believes that greater participation by workers in the management and administration of all sections of trade and industry is both urgent and necessary.”

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