Labour Research (May 2019)

Law Matters

Modernising tribunals 

Following on from his strategy for the modernisation of the tribunals system, the senior president of tribunals, Sir Ernest Ryder, has now published a plan to put it into effect. 

The Modernisation of tribunals: innovation plan for 2019-2020 covers tribunals that are within the unified structure created under the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 and the employment tribunals in England and Wales and Scotland.

The plan “applies the aims, principles, design concepts and solutions identified in the strategy to the tribunals projects and plans during the next stage of reform”.

Proposed changes to employment tribunals include:

• giving judges, panel members and users access to a digital case record; 

• facilities for judges to manage cases online;

• a library of relevant templates for orders, notices, standard letters and documents; and

• digitally recording all hearings to provide an independent record of the hearing.

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