Labour Research (May 2019)

News from LRD

LRD AGM - Keynote speaker: Kendal Bromley-Bewes

The TUC has designated 2019 as the Year of Young Workers, designed to help young workers understand unions and “win at work”. 

To mark this campaign, Kendal Bromley-Bewes, chair of UNISON’s young members’ forum, will open this year’s Labour Research Department annual general meeting (AGM) on Monday 20 May.

TUC research reveals catastrophically low expectations among young people that work can be any better, a sense of futility towards taking action at work and a worrying lack of trust between young workers and their colleagues. The TUC says: “We know young workers can move mountains when they unite in unions — just look at the great work done by London’s Ritzy cinema workers or the McDonald’s McStrikers. 

“But we want to make this the norm rather than the exception. We’ll need to reach out to many thousands of them, and take them on a journey to realise that their problems aren’t insurmountable ...”

The AGM is at Jerwood Space, 171 Union Street, London SE1 0LN and starts at 2.00pm. All members and affiliated members are entitled to attend. For more information, contact Lewis Emery: [email protected].

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