Labour Research (March 2020)

European news

Commission sets out plans for 2020

The European Commission, the body responsible for proposing legislation for the EU, has presented its plans for 2020, and they include a number of employment rights and labour market measures. 

As well as action on the minimum wage (see Labour Research, February 2020, page 8), the Commission’s plans include action on pay transparency and a “Gender Equality Strategy to address the key challenges that women face today”. 

There will also be action to “help ensure the equality of LGBTI people across the EU”. And there will be action to “improve the labour conditions for platform workers” and a review of the EU’s own economic governance. 

The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) has broadly welcomed the plans. But it considers that key elements are still missing, in particular, the “need for a new and ambitious EU strategy on occupational safety and health”.

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