Labour Research (October 2001)

Equality news

Congress SUPPORTS "historic" rule change

Delegates to last month's TUC Congress backed what general secretary John Monks described as "historic" changes to the TUC's rules on equality.

Each affiliated organisation will have to commit itself "to promote equality for all and to eliminate all forms of harassment, prejudice and unfair discrimination, both within its own structures and through all its activities, including its own employment practices".

The General Council report says that "part of the legacy of the Stephen Lawrence Task Group should be a lasting TUC constitutional change, giving a strong and specific statement within the TUC's rules of commitment to promoting equality and eliminating discrimination".

A model equalities clause was recommended for union rules that states that one of the union's objects should be the promotion of equality for all through means such as collective bargaining, campaigning, union organisation and the union's own employment practices. The TUC is developing a consultancy service that will provide expertise to unions in carrying out equality audits and preparing action plans.

There will also be a comprehensive equality audit process that will report back to Congress every two years.

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