Labour Research (October 2001)


Newcastle council staff strike over privatisation

Five hundred council workers in Newcastle upon Tyne are in dispute with their employer over the threat of privatisation. The council is proposing private finance initiatives for schools and street lighting, privatisation of council housing and home care, and outsourcing of IT and related services.

The public service union UNISON branch held a one-day stoppage on 28 September, pulling out members in IT and related services and street lighting. The branch called on all council staff to respect picket lines and has the backing of all other council unions.

As Labour Research went to press college lecturers' union NATFHE was balloting its members in further education for strike action over a 3.7% pay offer. The union says that an extra £5 million available through the government's teaching pay initiative could be used to give an additional 0.5% increase. The ballot was closing on 21 September and, if the offer was rejected, strike action was to take place on 3 and 4 October.

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