Labour Research (January 2003)

Features: Union News

USDAW plans own organising academy

Shop and distribution workers' union USDAW is to launch its own "organising academy". The specialist training centre will develop the organising skills of activists using both its education department and its organising staff.

The union's deputy general secretary John Hannett said the move "signals our determination to offer the best possible training for our active members. We expect the academy to help train and develop the next generation of union reps and officials."

Trainees will spend six months working with the union on a variety of recruitment and organising projects, including four weeks of training. They will then return to the workplace.

The academy will be fully accredited, which means trainees will finish with a nationally recognised qualification.

A pilot involving 15 trainees will start in May and the closing date for applicants is mid-February.

For more details: or telephone 0161-224 2804

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