Labour Research (January 2003)


Our City is not for sale

Newcastle City Council trade unions, c/o Room 145, Civic Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8QH, tel: 0191 211 6980, paperback, 60 pages, £5.00 (£2.50 unwaged and concessions)

This booklet by the Centre for Public Services research group examines the push for privatisation at the heart of Labour government policy. It looks at how this is affecting Newcastle in particular, with the local council's plans for massive private sector involvement in the city.

The booklet contrasts the council's track record of keeping all services in house under compulsory competitive tendering with its new "Going for growth" strategy, which will involve private finance initiative projects across large parts of the city. Private firms are set to own and manage schools, health centres, leisure facilities, roads and open spaces.

The authors argue that there is an alternative way forward based on the principle that the public sector exists to serve the public and not to create profit.

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