Labour Research (October 2005)


2005 TUC Congress round-up

Equal pay

The resolution on the Women and Work Commission called for mandatory equal pay audits to tackle pay discrimination, along with measures to overcome gender segregation and challenge male cultural norms in the workplace.

A motion on parents, carers and childcare called for paid and more flexible parental leave rights.


Campaigning against the British National Party and for legislation allowing unions to deny membership to members of organisations whose policies or practice are racist was dealt with in the resolution on opposing racism and fascism composite which was passed by Congress.

Working time

A motion on industrial policy was agreed which called for the end to the 48-hour opt out from the maximum working week, the withdrawal of European Commission proposals on services in the internal market and a procurement strategy supporting UK jobs and skills campaign. A separate composite on working time was also agreed. This called for intensified lobbying on the issue and a "holistic" flexible working policy.

NHS and education

Congress backed a resolution on the NHS which flagged up concerns about private providers and the under-use of scanning equipment. It called for fast-track treatment for NHS staff, better workforce planning and more safety for nurses working alone.

Motions on education called for a campaign against the government's Academies programme, reduced class sizes and opposition to top-up fees in higher education.

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