Workplace Report (February 2017)

Bargaining news

Further education pay

The Association of Colleges, representing further education colleges in England, is consulting its members on whether it should abandon national pay bargaining. 

A backdated pay deal with staff unions was agreed at the end of last year, providing for a 1% pay increase for the academic year 2016-17. But analysis by the UCU lecturers union has shown that only a minority of colleges have implemented nationally agreed increases in recent years. 

UCU head of further education Andrew Harden said that the union remained committed to national bargaining “but that commitment must be shared by colleges”, requiring “proper and effective national bargaining where colleges abide by what is agreed at a national level”.

UCU adopted a “National Plus” negotiating strategy in 2014 whereby the national claim can be submitted locally in colleges alongside demands specific to local circumstances. This has begun to deliver “meaningful results” for members.

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