Workplace Report (May 2017)

Health & safety - HSE Monitor

Fees for Intervention

Last month, the HSE launched a consultation on a revised and independent process for considering disputes under its Fee for Intervention (FFI) cost recovery programme. 

The consultation follows a challenge to the process used by HSE for handling disputes over its FFI charges by facilities management company OCS Group, which was granted a judicial review hearing. The HSE settled the judicial review out of court before a High Court hearing due to take place in March 2017. 

Under the Health and Safety (Fees) Regulations 2012, the HSE must “recover its costs for carrying out its regulatory functions from those found to be in material breach of health and safety law”. The FFI scheme has been running since October 2012 and employers found to be in “material breach” of the law are charged at a rate of £129 per hour. In 2015-16, the HSE’s income from FFI increased by £4.6 million to £14.7 million compared with £10.1 million the previous year.

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