Labour Research (April 2007)


Ecosocialism or barbarism

Jane Kelly and Sheila Malone eds, Socialist Resistance books, paperback, 140 pages, £10

This is a useful contribution to the literature on the environment. It rejects the view that the market can solve the crises generated by greenhouse gases - pointing out that competitive firms can and do ignore the environmental damage they cause. Contributors also emphasise the inequalities of climate change: The G8 countries have 12% of the world's population but produce 62% of carbon emissions.

The book goes on to argue that the even if the Kyoto protocol is met, this will cut less than 2% of emissions - well short of what is needed to stop global warming. The limits of carbon trading schemes, it says, merely mean that "pollution has been turned into a commodity from which to make a profit".

Finally, there are some pointers towards a coherent labour movement response.

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