Workplace Report (July 2000)

Features: Pay deals

Racal Telecom settles at 3%

Negotiations covering clerical and telecoms grades at Racal Services (Communications) resulted in an agreed 3% increase in all salaries effective from 1 April. In addition all telecom graded staff were guaranteed an increase of 3% with an additional sum of up to £600 to assist in progressing towards the new fixed rate, which the company is committed to ensuring that all of them reach by April 2001. The fixed-point telecom grade salaries, to which individuals will progress, were introduced last year in order to resolve a pay and grading dispute. Clerical staff are also on fixed-point salaries. London and South East allowances were increased by 2.6% to £1,605 in inner London, £719 in outer London and £342 South East. The company declined to cut hours from the current 37 to 35 or to increase annual leave from its current basic level of 23 days.

Racal Telecom grades

TGA 12,360 TGB 14,935

TGC 18,025 TGD 21,115

TGE 23,690 TGF 26,780

Clerical grades

CO1/2 - 1st year 9,620 CO1/2 - 2nd year 10,585

CO1/2 - 3rd year 11,525 CO3 12,700

CO4 14,770 CO5 16,840

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