Labour Research (May 2000)

Features: European Matters

Spanish union sees membership growth

The CCOO, one of Spain's two national trade union confederations, which held its four-yearly congress last month, announced that it had grown in membership by 8.6% in the last four years, bringing it to around 800,000. There has also been a change in the composition of the CCOO with the growing service sector now accounting for 59% of the membership compared with 39% in 1990.

The CCOO claims to be the major trade union force in Spain, following its success in gaining 38% of the votes in works council elections, slightly more than its main rival, the UGT.

However, the CCOO emphasises that unity of action with the UGT remains essential and that this unity is the only "perspective for the future for the trade unions". The congress also saw the replacement of Antonio Guti‚rrez, who has been the general secretary for the last 12 years and can no longer stand, by Jos‚ Mar¡a Fidalgo.

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