Workplace Report (January 2005)

European news

Italian unions propose a common claim

The three main Italian trade union confederations, CGIL, CISL and UIL, have proposed to their members that they present a common set of demands to the metalworking employers for the pay round 2005-06.

This contrasts with the situation two years ago, when the unions were split.

The current proposal is for a two-part increase. The first is a varied increase based on grade, ranging from €66 a month at the bottom of the scale to €138 at the top, with €105 on the benchmark grade 5. This is to maintain the real value of pay for the period 2005-06, as well as to make up the ground lost to inflation in the previous two years.

The second part is a payment of €25 a month to be paid to all employees, irrespective of grade.

Assuming the members back the claim, negotiations are likely to start next month.

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