Labour Research (January 2001)

Equality news


A review of union policies and practice on race equality and lesbian and gay issues undertaken by communications union the CWU has found that ethnic minority and gay members often feel excluded from their branches.

The review also revealed that many branch officers and representatives lacked understanding of equality issues, with many feeling unconfident about discussing issues of race and sexuality.

On a more positive note, the review also identified examples of good practice in many branches, with those who had taken specific action to recruit gay and ethnic minority members reporting success in getting them involved. The review, carried out for the union by DLA Consulting, also found a strong commitment to developing equality strategies within the union and a willingness to discuss the issues.

Lack of equality training was seen as a problem at branch level. A third of branches had not filled the post of equality officer, with members unwilling to stand for election due to a combination of lack of

time and appropriate training.

The report recommends the development of a national and regional strategy on equality issues and a programme of training at all levels.

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