Labour Research (April 2001)

Features: Union News

Unions are "necessary" says poll

Unions are seen as very important by the general population if a recent local survey of 172 shoppers by the T&G general union is anything to go by.

People in Bournemouth and Poole town centres were asked to give their views on a range of questions concerning the role of unions.

More than three-quarters (77%) said they believe unions are necessary for the protection of workers and 79% said they did not believe that employers treat their staff fairly. And 71% said they knew of a trade union doing good work in supporting their members in the workplace.

Mel Dando, T&G regional officer, said: "This snapshot survey shows unions are very popular and an essential part of the support structures needed by employees in all workplaces.

The survey also confirmed people's top workplace concerns as pay and job security.

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