Workplace Report (April 2004)

Features: Heralth & safety - HSE monitor

New fund to improve workers' safety

Last month the HSE launched its Workers' Safety Adviser Challenge Fund, with £3 million available over a three-year period to increase worker involvement and consultation in health and safety.

Partnerships - which may include unions, employers and others - can apply for funding to employ specialist Workers' Safety Advisers (WSAs), who will consult workers and employers, offer advice and support, and suggest actions to manage risks.

An independent management board, appointed by the HSE, will assess applications for awards against the published criteria (available for downloading at The focus of the fund will be on small organisations employing up to 250 employees.

Send applications to Matthew Holder, Innovate Engagement Unit, Health and Safety Executive, 6SW Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HS or by e-mail to [email protected] by 7 May 2004.

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