Labour Research (January 2001)

News from LRD

Easier payments for affiliates and subscribers

From early in the new year the LRD will be setting up a direct debit payment system, allowing affiliates and subscribers to choose a more convenient way of paying for LRD publications and services.

The system means you will know payments are being made automatically on your behalf and you will not miss a payment. And if you move to direct debit it also means you can eliminate the expense of posting cheques.

You will also have the additional reassurance of knowing you are protected by a number of safeguards, including an immediate money-back guarantee from your bank or building society, advance notice from LRD if the date or the amount of the direct debit changes and, ultimately, the right to cancel.

We will keep you posted of further developments on this as they come on stream.

This information is copyright to the Labour Research Department (LRD) and may not be reproduced without the permission of the LRD.