Workplace Report (January 2006)

Features: Health & safety - HSE monitor

MPs' recommendations "would hurt claimants"

Unions have warned that they will campaign to retain existing workplace compensation rules, despite a parliamentary committee's recommendations.

In its report The courts: small claims, the House of Commons Constitutional Affairs Committee calls on the government to include all personal injury damages claims for up to £2,500 under the small claims procedure. The scheme, under which legal costs are not available, currently covers only claims for up to £1,000.

"The recommendation is perverse," said the TUC's head of safety Hugh Robertson. "Personal injury claims are likely to involve medical evidence and need proof of negligence. It is not reasonable to expect a victim to take a case without legal support."

The TUC argues that a fall in the number of cases pursued would reduce the pressure on employers and insurers to improve workplace safety.

The courts: small claims is available at

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