Labour Research (March 2005)


Globalising resistance - the state of struggle

Francois Polet and Cetri, Pluto Press, 328 pages, paperback, £16.99

The first part of this book takes the reader on a round-the-world tour of how neo-liberalism affects broad segments of the population, especially the most impoverished and marginalised.

But it also looks at how workers are fighting back. In the USA, for example, the "Jobs for Justice" campaign has brought together trade unions and social movements in over 40 towns, resulting in unionisation of over 1,500 workers. This has been successful even among sectors and groups such as migrant workers where levels of union membership are very low,

The rest of the book looks at changes inside the World Social Forum, the anti-war movement and has disturbing accounts of new police strategies to control demonstrators. The book gives a real feel for the shared struggles across the world.

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