Labour Research (November 2004)


Unions in the 21st century

An international perspective

Anil Verma and Thomas Kochan, Palgrave Macmillan, hardback, 320 pages, £50.00

Discussing unions on a global level, this collection of papers written by well established researchers trying to provide an insight into why union density and influence in some parts of the world is declining.

Each contribution gives statistical, political and economic examples of why there is a drop, but they also set out practical suggestions of ways unions can stop the downward trend.

Referring to different interventions and methods for the future of unions, the book looks at organising workers in industries not already unionised and harnessing different technologies for organising.

The essays also examine the impact on unions of industrial and employment changes and in management practice.

This book is a practical assessment, not just an observation, of the role and future role of unions throughout the world.

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