Labour Research (May 2006)

News from LRD

Executive Committee

There were 15 nominations for the 16 places on the LRD Executive Committee and so the following are elected unopposed:

* Sam Apter (Amicus Westminster Branch)

* Richard Ascough (GMB Southern Region)

* David Ayrton (NUJ)

* Eddy Batchelor (T&G)

* Pam Cole (PCS)

* Helen Donoghue (AUT)

* Glen Erskine (Grampian Branch, Scottish Police Federation)

* Brian Garvey (NASUWT)

* Dave Gott (RMT and RMT Lincolnshire & Yorkshire Region)

* Philip Hanks (T&G 5/175 Birmingham Branch)

* Roger Jeary (Amicus)

* Gary Jones (CWU)

* Steve Lewis (POA)

* Mary Nicholas (Medical Research Council Trade Union Side)

* Simon Parry (Prospect)

Howard Marchant (Connect) is Honorary Treasurer.

This information is copyright to the Labour Research Department (LRD) and may not be reproduced without the permission of the LRD.