Fact Service (March 2013)

Issue 12

Low pay adviser gets thumbs up

The Low Pay Commission, the statutory body which plays an important role providing independent advice to government about the national minimum wage, is still needed, a government triennial review has concluded.

The thumbs up from the review means the commission will be retained as an advisory non-departmental public body.

The review concluded that the commission’ impartiality and perceived balance between academic, employer and trade union interests is “highly valued by all parties, and is seen as essential to the delivery of a sensitive policy area”.

It also said that the successful operation of the Low Pay Commission (LPC) since its inception has ensured that “a controversial area of policy has secured broad acceptance”.

One of the triennial review’s recommendations is that the LPC reviews its current cross-government working practices with HM Revenue and Customs, which is responsible for compliance with the minimum wage, “with the aim of improving them where necessary to ensure closer working and better shared understanding”.


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