Labour Research (January 2010)

Union news

Union advantage is pressed home

The advantages of being in a union, particularly in a tough economic climate, are being hammered home by the TUC in new materials produced to help unions attract new recruits.

A guide entitled The union advantage presents factual information detailing how union members get higher wages, longer holidays, better sickness and pension benefits and are much more likely to be able to work flexibly.

It cites official statistics showing that unionised workers earn 12.5% more than those in a non-unionised workplace, taking home on average £13.07 an hour compared to £11.62.

In addition, it shows the benefits of union organisation in terms of access to learning and training and improved health and safety.

The guide is also aimed at demonstrating the value of unions to employers. It notes the Department of Trade and Industry estimated employers save between £72 million and £143 million in recruitment costs as fewer employees leave work when they have the union as a “voice”.

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