Successful futures?
Community views on adult education and training
Helen Bowman, Tom Burden and John Konrad, Joseph Rowntree Foundation,
available from York Publishing Services, 64 Hallfield Road, Layerthorpe,
York YO31 7ZQ, tel: 01904 430033, fax: 01904-430868, price £12.95 plus
£2.00 p&pThis academic study focuses on how people living in a poor area in the
north of England see education and training. Using in-depth interviews
and focus groups, it looks at their reasons for participation and non-
The study gives more insight into the barriers to education and training
that many people face in communities where family breakdown, poverty,
crime, drugs, social exclusion and educational failure form part of the
normal risks of life.
The report makes clear these factors need to be considered by government
in terms of its education and training policies.