Labour Research (September 2000)

Features: Reviews

Reclaim the party for the 21st century

A trade union response to the Labour Party's 21st century consultation

CWU Central London Engineering Branch, Kelvin House, Post Point G18/20,

123 Judd Street, London WC1H 9NP, tel: 020 7492 9955,

email: [email protected], free

This pamphlet, published by the Central London Engineering Branch of the

Communication Workers Union, examines the Labour Party's proposals for a

comprehensive review of its structure.

The pamphlet, written from a grassroots trade union point of view,

argues that the proposals would lead to the end of delegate-based

democracy and thus of most local trade union involvement in the Labour

Party's structure.

This information is copyright to the Labour Research Department (LRD) and may not be reproduced without the permission of the LRD.