Fact Service (August 2012)

Issue 33

Settlements steady for sixth month in a row

The hope that living standards might be improving has been dashed, the latest pay settlements figures show.

In July, pay settlements as recorded by the Labour Research Department’s Payline database remained stable at 3.0% — for the sixth consecutive month. However, with inflation under the Retail Prices Index (RPI) having now bounced back to 3.2%, inflation is ahead of the settlement figure.

The figures from Payline show some variation by sector with private sector settlements averaging 3.0% rises as did manufacturing and services. However, in the public sector the median settlement was just 1.6% — down from 1.8% in June.

All members and officials of the following unions can access Payline: Community, GMB, PCS, RMT, TSSA, UCU, UNISON and Unite.

If you do not know your password, phone 020 7902 9811 or email [email protected] — and don’t forget to tell us your union in the email.


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