Contract of employment
A. Although not a contract, there is an obligation on employers to provide a “written statement” within eight weeks of the individual starting work (sections 1 and 2 of the 1996 Employment Rights Act). The written statement must include: the names of the employer and the employee; the date on which employment began and the period of continuous employment; the scale and rate of remuneration, pay intervals and the method of calculating pay; terms and conditions relating to hours of work and holiday entitlement, including bank and public holidays; the job title or description; and the employee’s place of work.
These must all be detailed in a single document. However, provided that they are given within the eight week deadline, other employment particulars can be documented by instalments. The particulars are: whether employment is permanent or for a fixed-term; details of sickness, pensions and notice; details of the employer’s disciplinary and grievance procedures; details of collective agreements affecting employment; and details of any requirements regarding work outside the UK.