Workplace Report (June 2013)

Health & safety news

Cancer-causing substances

The TUC’s latest Time for a change bulletin covers cancer-causing substances — carcinogens — at work.

There is a disagreement over the number of cases of cancer a year and the number of deaths from occupational cancer. However, what is important is not whether the number of deaths is 8,000 or 18,000, but that all occupational cancers are avoidable.

The TUC describes cancer as a Cinderella disease as the prevention of workplace cancer has a much lower profile in the workplace than preventing injuries from risks such as falls from height.

The goal that trade unionists should be aiming for is that no worker is exposed to anything that causes cancer. “Where possible that should mean removing carcinogens from the workplace completely and most carcinogens can be substituted for less harmful substances,” the TUC says.

Bulletin can be downloaded at:

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