Holyrood expands graduate-level apprenticeships
Hundreds of people will have the opportunity to study for degree-level courses while in employment thanks to a significant expansion of Graduate Level Apprenticeships (GLAs).
A total of 379 places will be made available for individuals to study for a degree, up to Masters level, while in work in 2017-18. This builds on the investment that delivered a successful pilot of 27 places in 2016-17.
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is working with businesses, universities and colleges to deliver GLAs. The programme aims to meet the needs of employers looking for high levels of academic and industry accreditation combined with experience in the workplace.
Jamie Hepburn, minister for employability and training in the Scottish government, said: “By creating the opportunity to combine an academic degree with the challenges of the workplace, we are better preparing individuals for the job market and ensuring we match the right skills and training to available employment.
“These new opportunities will support our wider Modern Apprenticeship offering, including the commitment to 30,000 apprenticeships per year by 2020, complementing the 5,000 Foundation Apprenticeship places for school pupils.”
Robert Gordon University was the first university in Scotland to confirm the structure and content of the Graduate Level Apprenticeships (GLAs) back in March. Professor Ferdinand von Prondzynski, principal at the university, said: “GLAs represent an innovation across teaching and learning that will help young people into skilled employment and support the Scottish economy.”