Labour Research (May 2015)

Union news

Union election app

Public services union UNISON has launched a light-hearted web app to encourage voters to engage with the 2015 general election campaign.

Votr 2015, inspired by the Tinder dating app, is for users to see how their views on key election issues compare with users of the app elsewhere.

Users swipe left or right on their smartphones depending on their views on a range of topics, such as tax and the NHS. As they progress through a range of topics, they are presented with a series of users whose views have matched theirs. Having worked through the various options, users could find their ideal “match”.

UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said: “Votr 2015 is an attempt to break the mould of traditional union communications by initiating digital conversations with our members and the wider public on the issues they care about.”

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