Labour Research (August 2024)

Health & Safety Matters

Health and safety concerns prompt hospital strike

Around 50 theatre nurses at London’s Guys and St Thomas’s hospitals have taken strike action after bosses extended their start and finish times.

The Unite general union said its members were already “chronically overworked” and exhausted, with patient safety compromised. It said theatre staff shifts had already been extended from 7pm to 8pm, with Saturday working introduced, before the latest increase from 8pm to 9pm.

“Guys and St Thomas’ theatre nurses were already running on fumes,” said Unite general secretary Sharon Graham. “Our members understand the pressure the NHS is under but working staff until they break is not the answer.“

Meanwhile, the GMB general union reported that waste workers at Veolia Westminster were “gearing up” for strike action after the refuse contractor for the City of Westminster dismissed their long-serving union rep. The union said the rep was sacked after “highlighting and challenging the culture of workplace bullying rife at Veolia in Westminster”.

In an indicative ballot, 100% of respondents voted to take industrial action if their rep isn’t reinstated.

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