Labour Research (September 2024)

Union news

End of anti-union Act welcomed

Unions across the board have welcomed Labour’s promise to bin the Tories’ widely condemned Minimum Service Levels Act which, in the event, was never used.

The new government will repeal the Act in its Employment Bill, which will be introduced within its first 100 days of office. In the meantime, Labour has told all public sector employers to ignore the Act.

TUC general secretary Paul Nowak thanked all those trade unionists and others who had helped to make the change happen.

He said: “Last year, we fought a hard campaign against the Tories’ anti-union legislation, which threatened our right to strike for decent pay, terms and conditions.

“Hundreds of thousands of you signed petitions, lobbied your MPs and took to the streets in protest.

“Frontline workers sent handwritten letters to peers in the House of Lords, helping to delay the bill in Parliament again and again.”

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