Fact Service (June 2022)

Issue 22

Real Living Wage rise brought nearer

The announcement of the real Living Wage for 2022-23 is to be brought forward from November to September, the Living Wage Foundation has announced. The move is in response to the “unprecedented” rise in the cost of living. Currently, the wage rate is £9.90 is in the UK and £11.05 in London. Employers will be encouraged to pay staff the new rate as soon as possible. Katherine Chapman, director of the Living Wage Foundation, said:

“The real Living Wage is the UK’s only wage rate independently calculated to meet the cost of living and, for workers struggling to keep their heads above water as prices surge, it’s more important than ever before.

That’s why, with the rate of inflation fast approaching double figures, we are bringing forward the annual announcement of the 2022-23 Living Wage rates to late September.”


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