Ageism rife in recruitment
A majority of older jobseekers continue to struggle against deeply embedded structural disadvantages and ingrained ageist attitudes in finding work, The Age and Employment Network (TAEN) has concluded.
It latest report, Survey of jobseekers aged 50+, showed that older jobseekers want work because of financial need, a desire to feel valued and the social interaction work brings. They were “worried” or “desperate” about not working and believed obstacles included adverse attitudes by recruiters and mismatches of skills or qualifications with employers’ needs.
The survey of 792 unemployed people seeking work, all aged 50 or older, showed eight out of 10 (83%) respondents felt they were regarded as “too old” by recruiters with almost three-quarters (72%) saying prospective employers saw them as “too experienced”’ or “overqualified”.
The figures were in stark contrast to TAEN’s two previous surveys, which found much smaller percentages of respondents making the same claims.