Workplace Report (December 2017)

Bargaining news

Xmas holiday cheer but action on pay looms

Christmas has been “saved” at the 3M factory in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, says the Unite general union, after management reversed a decision and will allow workers to enjoy a Christmas holiday. The union says management threatened to “cancel Christmas” after members rejected a 1.5% pay increase for 2017.

3M, which makes respirators and dust masks, was labelled a “Scrooge employer” after telling workers that for the first time in living memory they would be expected to work on the three days between Christmas and new year. The company now says that there is “no operational requirement” for the majority of the workforce to be in work over the festive period. 

Nevertheless, a ballot for strike action over a proposed pay increase won the support of workers, who voted for both strike action and action short of strike after rejecting a 1.5% pay increase for 2017, which is less than half the rate of inflation.

Strike dates will be announced in the new year — giving management the chance to make an improved offer.

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