BBC Studios transfer
Pay, terms and conditions and pensions for 1,700 BBC employees transferring to the new subsidiary, BBC Studios Ltd, will be protected under a deal negotiated by the media and entertainment union BECTU, a sector of Prospect.
The agreement means that BBC Studios staff will continue to be covered in the annual BBC pay round. Existing BBC terms and conditions will remain in force in the new company and those currently in the BBC pension scheme will remain in their respective schemes, including those with defined benefit arrangements. However there will be a new approach to contracts, including a mechanism for capping excessive hours.
BECTU opposed the separation of a large proportion of BBC programme making from the BBC itself, on the grounds that the creation of wholly-owned subsidiaries by the BBC has led to privatisation in the past, and the union is still concerned about a possible sell-off of BBC Studios.
Gerry Morrissey, head of BECTU, said that the endorsement of the agreement by members “puts us in a strong position”, but the union was not complacent.