Workplace Report (January 2020)

Health & safety - HSE Monitor

New workplace exposure limits published

The HSE has published a revised version of EH40/2005 Workplace exposure limits, which contains the list of limits for use with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2020 (COSHH). It has updated the publication in order to implement amendments to the European Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive. This introduces or revises 13 occupational exposure limit values for a number of cancer-causing substances. 

Meanwhile, Hazards magazine has called on trade unionists to sign its e-postcard urging the HSE to lower the exposure limit for silica from 0.1mg/m3 to 0.05mg/m3.

HSE chief executive Sarah Albon, in response to the e-postcard Choked campaign, argues that the British limit is “identical to the binding occupational exposure limit value only recently introduced at EU level through an amendment to the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive”. The limit is based on the recommendation of a committee of experts after review and examination of scientific and epidemiological data. This recommendation was subsequently considered and supported by the EU Working Party on Chemicals and the EU Advisory Committee on Health and Safety at Work, which both have representation from member states governments, employers and workers, she said. 

But, according to Hazards editor Rory O’Neill, “HSE has championed a weak standard throughout the European Union, with dangerous consequences.”

The revised version of EH40 is available at:

The e-postcard can be found at:

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