Workplace Report (May 2017)

Health & safety news

In-house security guards

Shopworkers’ union Usdaw has called for more in-house security guards to protect convenience store staff from the risk of violence, threats and abuse.

The demand came after the Crime Survey for England and Wales revealed an 8% increase in shoplifting during 2016, contributing to a 21% increase over the last decade. At the same time, the union reports, the number of security guards in convenience stores has fallen and many businesses have contracted out their security guard operation to third parties.

Deputy general secretary Paddy Lillis told delegates at the union’s annual conference earlier this month that convenience store staff are “at the sharp end when it comes to the risks of customer abuse.” 

Low staffing levels and longer opening hours means they are exposed to increased risk and often see more problems from shoplifting, alcohol-related problems over underage purchases and drunken customers, according to Lillis. 

“In-house security guards are usually the best option,” he said. “They will know more about the business. They will know the shopworkers they are working with.”

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