Workplace Report (March 2017)

Health & safety news

Compo on menu for whistleblowing chef

Marcelo Lagos, a member of the GMB union who was sacked after he blew the whistle about faulty catering equipment has won an unfair dismissal case against his employer. 

An employment tribunal ruled that Lagos had been unfairly dismissed from his job as head chef at the Number 1 bar in London Bridge for whistleblowing. He had raised concerns about a grill and deep fat fryer after suffering a burn to his hand. Lagos was awarded £36,581 in compensation.

The tribunal found that his “disclosures” were made “in the public interest”, under the law protecting whistleblowers, as anyone who came into the kitchen was likely to be endangered by the faulty equipment. 

It also found that he had suffered race discrimination and that the company had failed to pay him correct holiday and notice pay and failed to provide him with a statement of particulars of employment, as 
required under employment law. 

GMB regional organiser Jim McDermott described the case as “shocking” and said that the union “will always seek to support members who are victimised for health and safety reasons.”

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