Fact Service (August 2011)

Issue 34

Employment relations in the public sector

Government measures to reduce the deficit and reconfigure the role of the state could have profound implications for public sector employment relations, according to a new research paper commissioned by employment relations adviser Acas.

A new era of public service employment relations? The challenges ahead was written by Professor of Employment Relations Stephen Bach from King’s College, London.

It focuses on the core public services — the Civil Service, the NHS and local government — and examines:

• the impact of deficit reduction;

• attempts to diversify public service provision, including the increasing role of the voluntary sector and other providers; and

• the erosion of national pay bargaining.

Finally, it examines the implications for trade unions and here Bach is of the opinion that unions representing professional or semi-professional occupations with strong occupational identities are likely to fare better than general trade unions with a dispersed membership that is vulnerable to outsourcing and offshoring.

A forthcoming paper in the series will examine the future of trade unions in more detail.



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