Fact Service (October 2013)

Issue 39

Success for Hovis strikers

Strike action by workers over the use of agency staff on zero-hours contracts at the Hovis bakery in Wigan has resulted in success; a third week’s strike was called off after an agreement had been reached.

Members of the BFAWU bakers, food and allied workers' union had completed two week-long strikes and were due to start a third on 25 September.

A spokesperson for Premier Foods — the company that owns the New Springs site in Wigan that produces Hovis brand bread and crumpets — told wigantoday.net that agency staff will now only be used if “temporary labour shortages” can not be covered by “existing employees utilising overtime and banked hours.”

The company has promised to pay any agency employee who works at least 39 hours a week for 12 consecutive weeks at the same level as full-time employees.

A statement read: “In the unlikely event that this is not possible, it is then agreed that the company can use agency staff to cover any gaps.

“The company will review the agreement after three months to assess whether existing manning levels are sufficient and, if not, will recruit into the required positions.

“As a result of this agreement, the union has recommended that further industrial action will cease with immediate effect.”


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