Fact Service (June 2021)

Issue 24

Survey finds staff forced into work

The TUC has warned that some employers are ignoring official guidance by forcing staff to “needlessly” work in offices and other workplaces.

Its polling shows that nearly one in 10 (9%) staff have been put under pressure to return to the workplace. This rises to over one in six (17%) for disabled workers.

The TUC says the government must send a message to employers not to breach the current guidance, which states that people should work from home if possible. Its survey shows that a quarter of respondents are working from the office or other workplaces despite being able to work from home.

TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady said: “Employers should not be able to ignore government safety guidance with impunity. It puts workers at risk and increases community transmission. The government must send out a clear message to employers to play by the rules or face serious action.”


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