Labour Research (August 2012)


Momentum on pensions campaign

The 68 is too late campaign launched by the PCS civil service union, Unite general union and the NUT teachers’ union in May to fight government plans to increase the state pension age is gaining momentum.

Eight more unions have given their support and over 6,000 people have so far emailed prime minister David Cameron to protest about the plans.

With 68 set to be the highest state pension age in Europe, a YouGov poll commissioned by the unions found that nearly eight in 10 (77%) British people think making British workers work longer than their European counterparts is unfair.Furthermore, the unions believe that coalition plans to increase the state pension age to 68 is only the start — they point out that the formula announced in the Queen’s Speech will mean babies born this year have to work until they are 80. 

The campaign also seeks to highlight the damaging effect of making people work into ever older age.

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